about us
Phoenix Rising Rescue is a foster based rescue. This means that we do not operate out of a facility. All of our rescue dogs are either with Carrie, PRR Founder, or in foster homes with other loving families. We do hope to have our own facility one day, but for now, we are still foster based.
Why bully breeds? Pit Bulls and other bully breeds have been given a "bad rap" by the media. Most of the information spread concerning pit bulls is either inaccurate or completely false. The truth about this magnificent breed is that they are incredibly intelligent and perfect family dogs. Don't buy into the hype.
Am I Crazy? I guess the answer to that would have to be "yes"...just a little bit. And we are okay with that. We are passionate about rescue and determined to fight for this breed. The majority of the population think we are out of our minds for how much time and energy we invest into what we do at Phoenix Rising Rescue. They don't understand that dog rescue is not a hobby...it's a lifestyle! We intend to change the world’s perception of Pit bulls and to rescue as many of these fabulous dogs as possible. Perhaps that seems like a monumental task to most, but here is a fact for you. You will never change the world by sitting back and complaining. You change the world by taking action and making a difference.

HELP our precious STELLA ROSE find a family to love her forever! This gorgeous 18 month old girl is an excellent companion. STELLA said to remind you that she is extremely smart and talented and that she will promise to be your best friend forever!
JOJO is a chihuahua/terrier mix boy that we rescued from a hoarding situation earlier this year. He and his brother, MOJO, had severe skin issues and infections and were not at all used to human touch. They have been in foster with an amazing family and have come SO FAR!!! Just look how handsomeJOJO is now!!! While still shy, both boys warm up quickly and LOVE to be in your lap. JOJO is about 3 yrs old and has a smooth, shiny coat. If you are looking for a loving lap dog, either or BOTH will be perfect!
Look how cute tiny little SPARKLE is!!! This is one of RAINBOW DASH'S biological daughters. She is a chocolate pittie mix angel who is just 4 1/2 weeks old (as of 7/10). SPARKLE and her siblings will be available for adoption soon and we are now taking applications.
RAINBOW DASH had three runts in her litter. All three have remained within an ounce of each other in weight but are all nearly a pound smaller than their siblings! This angel baby is APPLEJACK. She is a brindle and white pittie mix who is all about exploring and napping.
SPIKE is one of RAINBOW DASH'S beautiful babies. He is a 6 week old male. Momma is a chocolate pittie and Daddy is unknown.
My name's BIG MAC. YEP! You heard right...BIG MAC is my name and BIG lovin' is my game! I learned from the best.....my Momma....RAINBOW DASH. So, I am 6 1/2 weeks old now and I'm gonna be able to go home with my forever family soon. Here's the problem....nobody wants me. Not one single person has requested an application to ADOPT ME. This makes BIG MAC very sad. Is it because I'm brindle? Maybe my dark tiger stripes don't make me stand out? I want a family to love me and to call my very own.
LOOK who is back in rescue. Our precious EMBER was adopted a couple months ago and her family loves her VERY much. EMBER just did NOT like their young adult son. No matter what training and efforts were made, her dislike for him could not be overcome. Having been in touch with the family throughout this time period, the only thing anyone can come up with is perhaps he reminds her of the man who abused her and hurt her. EMBER loves everyone she meets....except him. It's crazy, but it is with a completely broken heart and tear filled eyes that EMBER's family returned her to rescue. Sweet girl has no clue what is going on and she misses her doggie brother. But we have every confidence that the perfect family is out there for this young and beautiful girl!
It's usually pretty impossible to pick a "favorite" from the rescue dogs. I truly love them all. But if I HAD to, this would be my girl! TWO SOX is such a fabulous girl!!! She was dumped near Orlando on Christmas Eve....IN LABOR!!! A homeless man saw her plight and he took TWO SOX into the woods to care for her and her babies. Once the pups were 8 weeks, he reached out to rescue and the rest of the story is history. Her pups all found amazing homes and now it's TWO SOX'S turn. She is a gentle 2 year old who likes other dogs and LOVES lounging on the couch. Her favorite TV show is The Good Wife and she is an avid sports fan.
Hey there everybody! My name is BON BON. I am a cute little girl with a tender heart. I'm almost 5 weeks old (as of 7/10) and my Momma is RAINBOW DASH. If you would like to ADOPT ME in the near future, get your application in now.
MOJO is a chihuahua/terrier mix that we rescued from a hoarding situation earlier this year. He and his brother, JOJO, had severe skin issues and infections and were not at all used to human touch. Both have been in foster with an amazing family and have come SO FAR!!! Just look how handsome MOJO is now!!! While still shy, he warms up quickly and LOVES to be in your lap. MOJO is about 18 months old. If you are looking for a loving lap dog, either or both wouldl be perfect!!
They call me MAYOR. They also say I am the spittin' image of my Momma, RAINBOW DASH. Not only are we colored the same, but I take after Momma in EVERY way. I'm gentle and sweet and kinda quiet and reserved. I LOVE to be held and I give the best hugs. And I will tear the crap out of peanut butter Nylabones! Sorry....got a bit excited for a second...ha ha ha. Anyway, I'll be ready for my forever home soon, so you need to get your adoption application in if you wanna love me as your own.
RAINBOW DASH is proving to be not only an excellent Momma to her 11 pups, but also an amazing companion dog. She is so gentle and submissive....and talk about smart! RAINBOW DASH gets along with all the other rescue dogs and they are teaching her how to play. But mostly she just likes to lay at my feet or beside me on the couch.
PICASSO's been in rescue for one week today! It's amazing what 7 days of medical care, good food, rest and lots of love and prayer can do!!! Thank you for sharing his story, raising awareness and contributing to his care. We couldn't do this without all of you!!
Meet KITTY. This extra large boy has been sitting at the Santa Rosa shelter with little hope. As you know, Santa Rosa has breed restrictions and does NOT adopt out bullies. Their only hope is for a rescue to save them. So that's what we did for KITTY. This handsome dude was abandoned in Blackwater Forest and is covered in sores and urine burns. He's so well behaved and loving. KITTY is thought to be about 3 years old and he is heartworm negative.

What in the world is a foster home for a dog?
As a foster based rescue, we can only save as many dogs as we have space for. Currently, that number is 7. So once we reach capacity, we have to turn all other dogs away because we have nowhere to put them. That's where foster homes HELP A LOT! A foster family takes in one of our rescue dogs or puppies and cares for the fur baby as if it were their own...atleast until the dog gets adopted. Foster homes provide food and love while we provide for the veterinary costs associated with pet ownership. Many dogs get depressed in rescue because dogs long to be a part of the family. Even though we spend a great deal of time with our dogs and we love them dearly, this isn't a real home. In a foster home setting, the rescue dog learns to trust people, how to behave in a home, and most importantly, what it is to be loved! Foster homes are desperately needed so we can save more dogs.
How do i become a foster parent for a rescue dog?
There are a few requirements to become a foster home for Phoenix Rising Rescue. First of all, you have to have a home. And if you rent your home, you must have written permission from your landlord stating that you are allowed to foster a rescue dog. Your home must also have adequate yard for the dog to run and play or you must be willing to provide the dog with frequent walks and exercise. If we are all good there, we will move on to any other pets you have in the home. Are ALL of your current pets vaccinated and spayed or neutered? We know full well the dangers and health risks to unaltered animals and we will not place our rescue dogs in a home where other animals have not been altered. Are your pets friendly and well behaved? We also will not place any of our dogs in homes where other pets may be a danger to them. Do you have children? Do your children know how to respect and love an animal properly? Is your home a stable and loving environment? If you can answer "yes" to all of these questions, then we would love to have you fill out a foster application and let us know which of our fur babie you are interested in fostering. WE NEED YOU!
what if i fall in love and just can't let my foster baby go?
It happens all the time. In fact, Carrie, founder of Phoenix Rising Rescue, got her first two pit bulls because she was a "foster failure" twice! Sometimes a dog just "speaks to your heart" and you quickly figure out that you were their forever home all along. So just fill out an adoption application and go through with the adoption process. Often times we don't choose our family pets...they choose us.
what if i take in a dog to foster and it just doesn't work out?
The rescue dog is our responsibility. No matter what, we will never "stick you" with one of our rescue dogs. Things happen and sometimes the foster family and the rescue dog just aren't compatible. We do our best to pair dogs and families together that we feel will be a good fit but sometimes it just isn't. No worries.

People tend to shun what they do not understand...so as an advocate for the Bullies & for God, , I feel it's my job to put a stop to ignorance & educate with the Truth!" ........Carrie N. Turner